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Hands-on Training Systems for Rotor Balancing

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Hands-on Training Systems for Workforce Skills Enhancement for Rotor Balancing

Complete Packages for Establishing Training Courses in Field and Shop Balancing


Inadequate mechanical balance or “unbalance” is a common rotor system deficiency. It is most common source of excessive vibration. An unbalanced machine will cause not only unexpected forces on the bearings, structure, and foundation but also vibration on the machine as a whole. A poorlybalanced machine can result a huge cost on a factory in machine down time, replacement parts, inventory,and energy consumption. The payback frombalancing machinery to extend the operating lifeand optimize process conditions is very large.Aproper balancing requires a well-trainedpersonnel. SQi offers a complete package for training rotor balancing. The training package includes:

  •  Hands-on device to perform controlled experiments
  •  Balancing Software
  •  Comprehensive handbooks
  •  Exercise workbook

Spectra Quest’s balancing training solution is a comprehensive tool to train, learn, and practice both field and shop balancing.

The Ideal Tool to Learn Multi-Plane Field Balancing

The Bearing/Balancing Simulator (BBS) is specifically designed to demonstrate and support the study of bearing faults and unbalance under controlled conditions. The BBS is a variable speed machine providing a stable platform for study field balancing. Since unbalance problems are very common, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the associated fault signatures that occur under a variety of operating conditons. The BBS provides a basic setup for performing experiments and learning vibration signatures of unbalance. Single-plane and multi-plane balancing can be practiced with BBS.Detailed investigation of different unbalance problemsis available through the study kits:

 Eccentric and cocked rotor disks
 Centrally bent rotor shaft for balance studies

BBS Features:

  •  Portable, robust, cost-effective balance trainer
  •  Ideal for teaching single-plane and multi-plane balancing with centerhung / overhung rotors
  •  Develop signal processing techniques to identify bearing fault and unbalance frequencies at multiples of shaft speed
  •  Use the BBS to recognize the vibration spectra of different bearing faults
  •  11 different application specific study kits available
  •  Comprehensive operations manual


The Ideal Tool to Learn Shop Balancing

Static and Dynamic Balancing Machine (SDBM) is an effective tool for introducing the concepts and methodology of shop balancing to engineering students and maintenance personnel.Using the Static and Dynamic Balancing Machine offers you a wide range of benefits as you develop your understanding of shop balancing and learn to recognize the force signatures of unbalanced static and rotating objects.It is an innovative device for balancing rigid rotors and studying the waveforms and spectral signatures of unbalanced versus balanced rotors, crankshafts, and motor armatures.

SDBM Features:

  •  Portable, robust, cost-effective shop balance trainer
  •  Ideal for teaching single-plane and multi-plane shop balancing
  •  Ideal for teaching static and dynamic unbalance forces
  •  Uses force transducer
  •  Comprehensive operations manual

BalanceQuest Software

BalanceQuest is comprehensive, user friendly software for balancing common rotating equipment using the SpectraQuest data acquisition system or manual data input. The software offers three different methods to resolve balancing issues.
1. Influence Coefficients
 Step by step operation including flow diagram
 Data acquisition or manual data input
 Generates polar plot
 Checks for balancing tolerance
 Allows one to remove/retain trial weight
 Archives influence coefficients
 User selects trial weight(s) and angle(s)
 Applicable to 1 plane or 2 planes

2. Four-run
 Step by step procedure
 No trigger required
 Plot intersecting circles for balancing angle
 Checks for balancing tolerance
 Archives data
 User selects trial weight(s) and angle(s)
 Applicable to 1 plane or 2 planes

3. Trim Balance
 Balance machines in one run with archived influence coefficients
 Trims the residual unbalance after initial balancing
 Applicable to 1 plane or 2 planes
 Checks for balancing tolerance
 User selects trial weight(s) and angle(s)
 User friendly procedure

BalanceQuest Benefits:

  •  Most common methods of balancing
  •  Performs field balancing and shop balancing
  •  Maintains machine data and balancing history
  •  Solutions available both graphically and in spreadsheet format
  •  Step by step procedure provided on screen
  •  Import digital pictures for future balancing reference
  •  Simple, intuitive user interface
  •  ISO tolerance is embedded to check balance quality
  •  Can accelerometer data and force transducer data
  •  Can insert vibration and force data manually
  •  Allows balancing with a vibration meter by entering data manually and using four run method
  •  Slow roll data collection capability
  •  Data collection capability to collect and study the transducer signal
  •  Comprehensive operations manual

Complete Training Material

 The Balancing Training Book teaches the basics of machine balancing.
 Uses prescribed laboratory exercises to enhance learning through hands-on experimentation.
 Begins with textbook and basic classroom training in the fundamentals of balancing from beginner to upper intermediate levels. It is both hands-on and mathematically oriented, being appropriate for both technicians and engineers.
 Uses as a basis for accelerated course preparation and the development of balancing training program.